AppZen Integrations

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AppZen integration to

Amadeus Cytric


AppZen’s Mastermind platform provides a robust, standards-based integration tool for expenses that we call AppZen Connect. It’s a proprietary technology that allows AppZen to develop robust API connectors that work straight out of the box. With AppZen Connect, managing expenses has never been easier. Our Mastermind platform utilizes innovative technology that provides an easy-to-use and seamless API connector that integrates with Amadeus Integration Cloud.

This multi-point, scalable layer allows for integration with standard Amadeus Cytric APIs. Our real-time monitoring and alert features provide peace of mind for all expense transactions, ensuring a smooth and secure process from start to finish. AppZen Connect includes real-time monitoring and alert features for all expense transaction data transfers between AppZen's platform and Amadeus Cytric.

In order to audit expense reports, AppZen uses the following information:

  1. User-entered expense information
  2. Receipt image

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Integration Approach 

AppZen integrates end-to-end with Amadeus Cytric using AppZen APIs. AppZen uses the fields in the Amadeus Cytric APIs to ingest expense reports into AppZen. 

AppZen evaluates the API’s and the information to be mapped into AppZen API’s. The Amadeus Cytric can push expense reports to AppZen for audit models to evaluate transaction history. AppZen will then push auditor actions back to Amadeus Cytric for employees to make edits and justifications.


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Key process flows

Amadeus will push reports to land in AppZen once they are submitted by users. Submitted reports are held in the workflow. Report data and receipt images are ingested into AppZen.
An expense report audit then occurs in AppZen.

Amadeus calls the AppZen API to obtain audit risk results and shares the report’s status, whether approved or denied. The expense report workflow then progresses accordingly.

Frequently asked questions

  1. How long does it take to implement AppZen Expense Audit with Amadeus?
    The typical implementation time is about 3-4 weeks. This includes time for discovery, education, receiving historical data, configuration, and validation of the integration.

  2. What IT resources are required to integrate AppZen with Amadeus?

    For each integration, only the business process owner (expense and payables) and an Amadeus Cytric specialist are required. No IT staff are required

Additional information

Please see AppZen’s API Documentation for more information.

AppZen Implementation Service Guide