AppZen Integrations

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Our integrations are easily installed with minimal IT effort and can show ROI within days of implementation.

AppZen integration to



AppZen Autonomous AP is an AI-first application that can autonomously processes invoices end-to-end with zero to minimal manual touches. AppZen Autonomous AP integrates with JAGGAER Procure-to-Pay platform to provide AI-driven invoice processing through a standard plug-and-play connector.

Every invoice in Autonomous AP goes through a cycle of processing before being transferred to JAGGAER where it will progress through workflow and approval.

In order for AppZen to process the incoming invoices, Autonomous AP relies on the following data sets being made available in AppZen:

  1. Suppliers
  2. Chart of Accounts (COA)
  3. Payment Terms
  4. Purchase Orders (POs)
  5. Invoices / Payments
  6. Business Entities
  7. Config data – VAT codes, UOM codes


Integration Architecture + Graphic



Key Process Flows

The AppZen-JAGGAER connector uses JAGGAER’s standard RESTful API (internally referred to as J1P APIs), which supports GET and POST methods to export and import data to/from JAGGAER. These APIs are fully standardized and versioned to ensure backwards compatibility, although data can vary amongst customers depending on enabled modules, configurations and custom fields (e.g. GL/accounting fields).


The AppZen integration connector supports the export of Suppliers, Orders and invoices (including PDF attachments) via these RESTful APIs from JAGGAER to AppZen to support processing incoming emails that Suppliers send to AP Inbox. Once the invoices are processed in AppZen, the connector then helps in importing these processed  Invoices and attachments into JAGGAER. Other supporting data needed  such as Entities, UOMs, Payment Terms and other data can be ingested via standard CSV integration that the AppZen connector facilitates.


The AppZen-JAGGAER connector is simple to establish and can be configured within a few hours to kick off the integration process. Following are the steps involved:

  1. Client will provide JAGGAER J1P API credentials. 
  2. Connector will be configured in AppZen integration framework using the credentials provided in step1
  3. Inbound jobs will be scheduled to import master data (Supplier, PO, Entities, COA etc).
  4. Outbound jobs to export processed invoices from AppZen to JAGGAER will be scheduled as well